The time bar at the bottom of the Global Fishing Watch map determines the time range you are viewing. To change the time range:
- Move the start and end bars within the timebar
- Click on the calendar icon in the bottom left corner, to select a time range or select from a set of pre-defined options, such as the last 30 days.
- Click on the desired option from the time range list located to the right of the date picker to move between different time scales (from years to hours)
- More detailed time scales are visible based on the range. For time ranges under three months, you can visualize daily data. Otherwise activity data is aggregated by month and for time ranges above 6 years, activity data is aggregated by year.
- If your current range is more than 1 year, you can click on one specific year and the time bar will update to all months of that year. In the same way, if you click on one month, the time bar will update to all days of that month.