Our Platform
Just a decade ago, building an accurate picture of human activity at sea across the globe would have been impossible. But thanks to advances in satellite technology, cloud computing and machine learning, Global Fishing Watch is now making it a reality.
Our open-access tools, datasets and code accelerate research and innovation to support sustainable ocean management.
The map
Our fishing map is a freely available online platform for visualization and analysis of human activity at sea. Easy-to use features offer a range of stakeholders the ability to search for vessels, filter activities by flag State or time period, identify port visits and view encounters between vessels in near real-time.
Marine Manager
The marine manager portal provides near real-time, dynamic, and interactive data on ocean conditions, biology, and human-use activity to support marine spatial planning, enable scientific research, and inform the design and management of marine protected areas.
Vessel Viewer
Vessel Viewer is a vessel history tool developed in partnership with TMT that uses satellite data and advanced analysis to produce current and historical information on vessel identity and activity. By producing valuable insight, Vessel Viewer is arming decision makers with the information needed to enhance fisheries controls, strengthen risk assessments and bolster the due diligence process.
Carrier Vessels
The carrier vessel portal is a comprehensive transshipment monitoring tool that pinpoints encounters between vessels, synthesizes fishing authorizations and filters publicly available data to create a picture of vessel risk for management authorities.
Datasets and Code
We are committed to making data and code freely available, allowing anyone to easily access, download, visualize and analyze a broad range of data. Publically available datasets currently include data and analysis related to industrial activity at sea, vessel identity, fishing effort, anchorages, transshipment and more.
Explore, visualize and freely download Global Fishing Watch data and synthesize multiple streams of information through our API portal. By openly publishing our APIs, we aim to transform global collaboration and catalyze solutions to address the ocean’s most complex problems.