Mónica Espinoza Miralles
Head of Latin America, Global Programs
San Jose, Costa Rica
As head of Global Fishing Watch’s programmatic work in Latin America, Mónica Espinoza Miralles leads engagement with governments and other vital partners across the region to advance ocean governance and help improve management decisions of marine resources. For the past decade, Espinoza Miralles has been using her passion for the ocean to support nongovernmental organizations dedicated to coastal and marine environment research, and towards the development of sustainable management actions for conservation strategies..
Before joining Global Fishing Watch, she worked as a marine scientist at Osa Conservation, a Costa-Rican based NGO, focusing her efforts on the creation of a marine protected area in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. In 2017, after conducting research in Australia for her master’s program, Espinoza Miralles developed her thesis on systematic conservation planning and investigated a cost-effective conservation strategy for reserve design in Italian territorial waters in the Adriatic Sea.
She holds a Master of Science degree in marine spatial planning shared among three European universities: Università Iuav di Venezia, University of Seville and University of Azores.