
Luca Marsaglia

Senior Fisheries Analyst, Europe and the Mediterranean, Global Programs

Rome, Italy

Luca Marsaglia leads the analysis and technical efforts of Global FIshing Watch’s work in the Mediterranean and Europe. He collaborates with government officials, regional management bodies, academia and civil society to support fisheries management, monitoring and control with analytical insights.

Before joining Global Fishing Watch, Luca worked as a fisheries scientist at Wageningen University using genetic data to estimate population sizes of rays in the North Sea. He went on to serve as an intern at IFREMER—an oceanographic research institution in France—studying trends of demersal species with other ecosystem components. He has also worked closely with local fishers on the Pacific coast of Nicaragua to quantify bycatch of sea turtle species and provide recommendations for their conservation. Luca is currently pursuing a doctorate at the University of Rome where he is focusing research on innovative approaches to support sustainable fisheries management.

Luca holds a master’s degree in marine resources management with a specialization in fisheries ecology from Wageningen University and a Bachelor of Science from the University of British Columbia.

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