Tim Hochberg
Senior Machine Learning Engineer
Phoenix, AZ
Tim Hochberg leads the optical imagery vessel detection project, where Global Fishing Watch is inferring vessel presence in optical satellite imagery. Detecting vessels in satellite imagery enhances our knowledge of where boats are located globally, particularly in areas where automatic identification system (AIS) usage is low or coverage is poor. Tim also developed and helps maintain parts of Global Fishing Watch’s AIS processing pipeline, most notably the code that infers vessel type and behavior from AIS tracks. Tim has extensive experience with machine learning and scientific programming, backed by a strong physics and engineering background to assist his understanding of remote sensing and transponder data.
Before joining Global Fishing Watch, Tim was co-founder and chief scientist at atSpeed Technologies, where he developed data extraction techniques and custom solutions for testing high speed electrical cables. His academic background is in computational electromagnetics and fusion science, and he received a doctorate in electrical engineering and a master of science in nuclear engineering from the University of Illinois, as well as a bachelor of science in applied physics from the California Institute of Technology. Tim enjoys practicing martial arts, hiking and biking.