Frequently Asked Questions

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  3. Carrier Vessel Portal
  4. How current is the data in the carrier vessel portal?

How current is the data in the carrier vessel portal?

How current is the data in the carrier vessel portal?

The data in the portal currently spans from January 2017 until 72 hours ago. We adjusted our authorization categories to enable the inclusion of the most recent month of data. Although all of our AIS data is provided until 72 hours ago, the registry records are updated at the beginning of each month with a one month delay. The status Pending updated registry data is used for vessels in encounters identified on AIS within the last month for which no registry records were matched, because it is possible that the registry records have yet to be updated for the current month. The  status Not matched to RFMO registry  is used for vessels in encounters identified on AIS prior to the most recent month for which no registry records were matched.

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